Forklift Maintenance – Plan and Prevent


Forklift Maintenance – Plan and Prevent
forklift planned maintenance

Toyota-Lift of Minnesota feels that it is our duty and obligation to keep our customers informed of ways to reduce the cost of operating their material handling fleets.

Forklifts have become safer and more productive due to the technological improvements built into the power train of the vehicle. Planned or preventive lift truck maintenance therefore has become even more critical

Engines, transmissions and differentials on these units are being built with closer tolerances on the components. As these units have become more reliable and productive because of these advancements, we need to assure that the manufacturer’s recommended frequency of changing these lubricants are followed. Most manufacturers require that lubricants be changed at certain intervals using the recommended lubricants for their products. Dirty or burnt transmission or differential fluids will cause parts to wear out prematurely and restrict the oil flow through the very small orifices in the valves. Most failures in these units can be traced back to the lack of maintenance provided.

In these challenging times we all need to be aware of the cost of doing business, Planned Maintenance has to be done in a careful, organized manner by trained technicians, it is insurance against larger costs down the line in lost productivity and unexpected large repairs.

TLM and its Planned Maintenance Program can work to insure that your maintenance costs are controlled, your equipment’s up-time is maximized, and that the overall cost of operating your lift truck is kept to a minimum.