CALIX Oil offers a variety of CALIX Oil for retail and wholesale distribution. We also supply professional installment and shipment with the best competitive price.

100 years ago, even humans have no concept of lubricant. All kinds of machinery are lubricated with lard oil and then olive oil. When olive oil is scarcited, people switch to use other herbal oils. For example, to lubricate spindles, they used palm oil. Today, most of the engines  are needed lubricant  to lubricate when operating. The famous lubricant as Caltex, BP, Castrol, Shell or Petrolimex are sold retail and wholesale  at We are committed to bring for the customer  the industry lubricant, civil lubricant, manupulate lubricants products with standard quality and competitive prices along with good caring after sales service ….

Calix has an environmental certification (ISO 14001), which means that it endeavour to cause minimum environmental impact right from manufacturing through to finished product, and strictly follow the regulations and requirements prescribed by the market.
All Calix products are tested in our SEMKO-certified laboratory, where simulate the most extreme conditions your car may be subjected to.
SEMKO is an independent testing institute and certification body, and, as a customer, you can therefore be confident that you are getting a product that maintains the highest possible level of quality.
Calix grant a full 3-year warranty to the consumer from date of purchase. The warranty covers manufacturing and material defects.
Calix strives to always fulfil the automotive industry’s stringent requirements in terms of car heating equipment, and we fulfil both TS 16949:2009 and Ford Q1:2002: a certificate that is only issued after very stringent inspections!
In short, when you choose Calix, you get an environmentally-adapted quality product you can rely on!

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Please call for us: 0904 615 638